Quick Installation


Quick  installation guide

Shower Units:

  1. All wire runs directly back to its own breaker, or to a pilot light switch and then the breaker.
  2. Only the attached shower head and hose should be used on the outlet, anything else may permanently damage the unit.

Shower units: Electrical Material Needed up to 60 feet

110V 3.5 Kw Shower: 4mm twin and earth, 30 amp single pole breaker.
220v 5.0 Kw Shower: 4mm twin and earth, 30 amp double pole breaker.

Inline Units:

  1. Inline Units: all wires run direct to pilot light switch and then to breaker.

Inline Units: Electrical Material Needed up to 60 feet

220v 5.0 Kw Shower: 4mm twin and earth, 30 amp double pole breaker, 25 amp pilot light switch.
220v 7.0 Kw Inline: 6mm twin and earth, 40 amp double pole and at least a 32 amp pilot light switch.

Electric and Instant Flow
